Tender Fundamental Workshops

Past Event

Welcome to the Tender Fundamentals Workshop - Onslow! Join the PDC for an exciting in-person event, co-hosted by OCCI to be held at The Onslow Hub, 

The six (6) hour workshop will cover all the fundamentals you need to know about WA Government tenders. Whether you're new to the process or looking to sharpen your skills, this event is perfect for you. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts and network with like-minded professionals.

Who should attend?
Small to medium-sized businesses (SME) eager to gain a clearer understanding of the WA Government tender process.

What will be covered?
Bid Basics: Understand what a tender is, how to read tender documents, key tender terminology and bid/no-bid decisions.

Getting Bid Ready: Prepare early, carefully manage open-bid timelines and tips to create easy templates to make bid responses more efficient.

Compliance: Ensure rejections aren't a result of a compliance technicality.

Articulating Value: Price is only part of the story, learn a simple writing formula to better articulate unique value, as well as price.

State Government Policies: What are they and what are the key features (focus on Buy Local, WA Procurement Rules, Aboriginal Procurement, WA Industry Participation Strategy and Plans).

Procurement: Why prequalification matters, qualitative v quantitative content, regional price preferencing and evaluation practices.

Tenders WA: How to find opportunities, navigate and use TendersWA.

Tips and Tricks: Learn common but easy-to-avoid pitfalls, simple formatting tricks for professional responses, and writing skills for non-writers.

What to expect?
In this vibrant and interactive workshop, Eliza uses case studies, practical group exercises, collaborative discussion and deep understanding of tenders and procurement to deliver impactful, and accessible, best-practice tender training.

Secure your spot now! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Contact PDC's Local Content Adviser on 6551 7511 or mary.manov@pdc.wa.gov.au

Event Date(s)

  • Tuesday 30th July 2024

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