DAMA and Skilled Visa Sessions
Past Event
The Department of Home Affairs are pleased to present information sessions on the new WA Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) and Pilbara DAMA in partnership with Regional Development Australia (RDA) Pilbara and the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) to support businesses in the Pilbara region of WA.
The sessions are specifically tailored for regional employers to better understand the skilled visa options available to them, including the Pilbara DAMA and WA DAMA programs and how to work with DTWD and RDA Pilbara as the Designated Area Representatives. Information for regional businesses on how to nominate approved occupations and positions under the DAMA that cannot be filled by Australian workers will be provided along with information on other employer sponsored visa options available to industry and business.
🗓️ Thursday 19th September
⏰ 5.00pm
📍 Onslow Beach Resort - Upstairs
Information sessions like these will be held across the Pilbara.
Click here for further details.